Good conflict, bad conflict

Differences of opinion are quite common in a team and can often be seen as positive. However, you should be wary of unhealthy conflicts, which consume valuable resources such as time, trust and energy and therefore disrupt the working atmosphere and workflow. Such conflicts are often caused by so-called “conflict drivers” in the team –...

Microstress in the workplace and its link to burnout –  How to maintain mental health

In an era of constant change and growing demands, the modern world of work has undergone a remarkable evolution. Technological advances, artificial intelligence, globalised markets and the increasing complexity of job requirements are shaping the daily lives of millions of employees worldwide. At the same time, health insurance companies have been reporting a continuous increase...

The Importance of Psychological Safety in Teams

Psychological safety is a well-established term that describes the team or organisational climate in which members feel safe to take risks and openly express their ideas, questions, concerns or mistakes without fear of negative consequences or rejection. It refers to the confidence that they can express their thoughts freely in the group without fear of...

Diversity for success

How Diversity & Inclusion positively impacts organisations International teams are becoming increasingly common in organisations around the world. This trend can be attributed to a number of factors, including globalisation, technological advances and the need to adapt to local markets. At the same time, as organisations expand their operations across borders, it becomes increasingly important...

Dysfunctional Teams and the Sociogram: A Powerful Tool for Mediation

It is not uncommon for teams to become dysfunctional. The reasons for this are manifold. In a state of dysfunction, coping mechanisms that are deeply rooted in people’s psychology are often activated in an apparent attempt to resolve the situation. In this blog I present how to recognise dysfunctional teams and their response mechanisms and...

Entering a conflict discussion with more composure

As a mediator, I often experience how difficult it can be for people to have conflictual conversations. The reasons for this are manifold and can vary from case to case. In the following I would like to point out some of the most common obstacles and give some tips on how to prepare for this...